Each Mail
Setting value establishes configurable aspects of the Site based Mail feature.
- Delete_Without_Logon
- Establishes the interval that will be used to delete an Owner's Mail once the User has NOT logged onto the system for the specified Interval (executed when Manage-Mail is used).
E.G. Specifying "Delete_Without_Logon=>1 Year" means that if a User goes more than 1 year without logging onto the system, ALL his/her Mail (as defined by the Mail Owner data field) will be deleted from the Mail system.
The default is a null specification (meaning, no Mail deletion will occur based upon the User's Logon activity)
- Delete_After
- Establishes the interval that will be used to delete Mail once the message has aged beyond a specified interval (executed when Manage-Mail is used).
E.G. Specifying "Delete_After=>2 Years" means that any Message more than 2 years old will be deleted from the Mail system.
The default is a null specification (meaning, no Mail deletion will occur based upon the Message's age)
- Purge_Sent
- Specifies the Interval of time a Mail message that has been Sent will be retained in the Mail Sent queue until it is automatically sent to the Trash queue (executed when a User enters Mail).
Default is: 1 week
- Purge_Trash
- Specifies the Interval of time a Mail message in Queue=Trash will be retained until it is automatically deleted (executed when a User enters Mail).
Default is: 1 week
- Purge_Unread
- Specifies the Interval of time a Mail message that has been Sent and remain Status=Unread by the Recipient will be retained until it is automatically sent to the Trash queue (executed when a User enters Mail).
Default is: null (If the Option is unspecified or set to null, the system interprets that as meaning "No Unread Mail messages will be moved to Trash")