- What is the Ranking Concept?
- A Ranking
is a value that signifies the relative complexity of a Assignment
OR the relative capability of a Referee
For example, most Chapters do not want to assign a first year referee to a U19 assignment!
- Why use the Concept?
- Rankings allow your Chapter to associate Referees with appropriate Match Assignments, especially within SelfAssign.
- How is the concept implemented?
- When adding Matches to the Site, the Administrator, Assignor, or Organization sets a Rank Value for each Match. Conversely, the Administrator and/or Assignor sets one or more Ranks for each Referee
in his or her Profile. It is possible to set the scale for the Rankings to almost any scale, although most Chapters have found that a Ranking grid of about 24 breakdowns (1 to 24) is adequate.
The complexity and structure for Rankings varies by Chapter. For example, some Chapters give Referees a Ranking value for centers (Referee) and assistant (Lines) responsibilities, while others give the Referee a Ranking value for each League
he or she officiates within. Your Chapter can utilize both of these methods or a simpler method, if desired.
Many of the formal licensing organizations (NISOA, USSF, NFHS, etc.) implement their own methods for establishing Referee skill levels or grades. Although not required, RidgeStar strongly recommends factoring these formal licenses into your Chapter's Rankings mechanism. We have found that, over time, some Chapters using their own mechanisms may not map successfully to the formal licensing bodies.
The key to successful SelfAssign and related mechanisms is for the Match and Referee Ranking
mechanism to accurately reflect Chapter policies.