CommentsThe terms Organization, League, Level, Division, Gender, and Season are RidgeStar terms, but we feel that they apply to a wide variety of circumstances. Your Chapter may require a different combination of key elements, but the key is to ensure that you create a mechanism that allows you to group Matches with similar characteristics. Do your best to avoid the temptation to "lump" everything into a "coded" field (e.g. BU14 lumps both the Match Gender and Age into the same element). Of course, if your Site is dedicated only to a single Gender and competitive Level, all with one League, and with only one Division, then you would not need to group Matches. Then again, you probably wouldn't need a Referee Management Site Thus, DO spend time to determine what Organizations (Clients??), Leagues (Youth, Adult, HighSchool, etc.), Levels (U10, U11, Professional, Varsity, etc.), Divisions (A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, Gold, Silver, Green, etc.), Genders (M, F, Coed, Boys, Girls, etc.) and Seasons (Fall, Winter, Summer, Tournament, etc.) describe the Matches you intend to manage. If you do this up front, it will make implementing and using the Site much easier! | ||||||