When you ask people to logon to your Interactive Site People do things, NOT computers!: A computer system has no way of knowing who is accessing it unless that person somehow identifies themselves. Thus, to ensure that a User Choosing and Protecting PasswordsOf course, don't choose a Password that other people can easily guess and do NOT share it with other people. And definitely don't write it down anywhere! Remember, the SiteName and Password identifies YOU. Everyone should register and obtain their OWN SiteName and Password. We recommend the following guidelines:
By default, a RidgeStar Interactive Site allocates randomly generated passwords that match these standards. Usually, they aren't all that easy to remember, so it IS quite common for individual Users to set a Password that is a bit easier for them to remember. However, we still recommend everyone follow the preceding recommendations when selecting your password. We also strongly encourage all Clients to make use of our Password Strength methodology when establishing a mechanism to enforce suitable/reasonable password values. Assess the Risks!Choosing a password is pretty serious business. That doesn't mean you should go overboard and create a super long, complicated password that is impossible to remember. However, it does mean that you should choose one with consideration, keeping in mind that anyone who can logon as you can also make inappropriate commitments on your behalf! | ||||||