Developing a Look and Feel for your site that will truly reflect your organization, company or product is very important. It can also be less difficult if you take some time to think about the "image" you want to project before we start any work on your site.
What we want you to do is think carefully about what your organization is about and how you want others to see it. The following word-pairs have been chosen to create ideas of general feelings and are not to be taken literally. Check off a box at the intersection you feel most closely reflects the balance between the two extremes. For example, you may not think of your company as "feeling" either "new" or "old" in which case you might want to check off the box right in the middle.
Mark your answers as quickly as possible, without trying to add specific meaning or interpretation to the word-pairs. After you're finished print a copy for yourself and/or click on "Send" and we'll keep a copy of it for you, too.