Internet hype can make it seem like a Site
is a golden opportunity that you shouldn't pass up. This may be true, but a Site requires an investment of time and money. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully weigh the benefits and limitations before building one.
Site Benefits
According to the US Department of Commerce, Internet traffic is currently doubling every 100 days. This makes your potential for growth much higher than with traditional forms of business. Furthermore, the Internet allows you to instantly share information with an audience who is interested in your products and services.
Other reasons for building include:
- To establish a credible, professional image
- To provide employees with world-wide access to company databases
- To provide excellent, cost-effective customer service by providing current product literature, annual reports, press releases, catalogs, and convenient online ordering
- To gather marketing information
- To obtain new customers and generate sales leads
- To provide a highly cost effective advertising medium (especially when compared to print, radio, and television)
- To improve customer or employee relations by providing a place to take applications, requests, questions, and comments
Site Limitations
However, there are limitations to consider as well: The success of your Site partly depends on your profit goals, the type of Site that you build, and your marketing and advertising efforts. For example, if you want to sell a general product like music CDs, you will face tough competition from big companies like On the other hand, if you want to sell a market-specific or niche product, like boat manifolds, you will probably face less competition. Here are some other limitations to consider:
- Sites are not an aggressive form of advertising, which means that your customers will have to find you (although this makes your leads a higher quality)
- The demographics of the Internet may not be currently suited to your target audience or market segment
- A poorly planned and implemented Site will reflect poorly on your business or organization
- Well-built internet companies can take years to mature and become profitable
If you are willing to meet the challenges and embrace the possibilities of your own Site, it's time to determine your Site's purpose and goals!